When Exhaustion Strikes (+ my recipe for recovery!)

I have been away from the site for a while, much longer than I anticipated. It’s amazing how quickly time flies. What was supposed to initially be just a couple weeks gone turned into a whopping 2 months! Definitely still figuring this blogging time-management thing out… (HOW do bloggers keep up with regular posts whilst working another job and tending to all other aspects that make up a healthy happy life?!) If anyone knows the secret please do share! In any case, these past 8 weeks have been quite eventful. What have I been up to? Traveling.. and more traveling! My …

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Notes from the Road – Scandinavia + Budapest

I’ve been solo backpacking through Europe for the past 2 weeks – an amazing and challenging experience to say the least. Travel always sparks a ton of new ideas and creativity in me and I can’t wait to put some of these into motion with the new year ahead. Here is a quick rundown of some of the things I’ve experienced so far: The Sights Traveling during the Christmas holiday has definitely made this trip extra special as all the city streets glow with beautiful lights and decorations. Stockholm in particular had stunning colossal displays, definitely taking the prize for going …

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Why You Shouldn’t Delay Your Happiness

In a couple days I’ll be off on a backpacking journey around Europe for the holidays. While I’ve traveled before, this trip will be a completely new kind of adventure. In my previous travels, I’ve always been the ultra-prepared and well-researched type – daily itinerary written out, guidebooks in tow, housing & car rentals booked way in advance. This time, I’m essentially winging it. I have my plane tickets and a couple of overnight stays set up but other than that, I’m flying by the seat of my pants and have no idea what’s going to happen. Probably a lot of …

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Decadent Chocolate Kefir Smoothie

Food cravings are the best and the worst. There’s nothing like the sweet, sweet bliss of satisfying a craving; that first taste of utter joy where for just a brief moment in time, nothing else seems to matter. You wonderfully and happily lose yourself in the moment of sheer food awesomeness. “Im sorry, I missed what you were saying as I relished this triple-chocolate ice cream and TIME STOPPED.” But then those food cravings also drive you insane sometimes, taking over your mind, compelling you to do crazy things like go out in snowy, freezing weather to buy a jar of …

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How To Eat Well While Traveling

What do lambswool socks, raw cacao nibs, a package of probiotics, and a “Best Of” christmas classics playlist all have in common? Well.. nothing that I can think of actually, except they’re all coming with me in my backpack while traveling this month! Since the holiday season is travel time for a lot of you, I thought I’d share my tips for eating well on the road. This post is written specifically with air travel in mind but can also be applied to long-distance car or train rides. Travel is one of my forever lifelong loves. It energizes me, inspires me, …

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Homemade Coconut Milk

Ahh coconut milk. What would I do without this sweet, lovely staple in my diet? I used to buy cartons of this stuff from the store a few years back but the problem is they always contained additives like guar gum and carrageenan or artificial sweeteners. What happened to coconut milk being made with just coconut?! When I finally started making my own, I couldn’t believe how simple and inexpensive it is! If you’ve got a blender (even a cheap one), you can make this yourself. It tastes a bazillion times better than a lot of the packaged, watered-down versions. What’s …

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