I manifested a house! My manifesting story

Story time 🙂 Sit back and grab a cup of tea because this is a long one. But an important story that I need to share on the blog because it literally feels like a miracle. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that I’ve been living basically like a nomad for the past year and change. This hasn’t been a totally bad thing – it’s what has allowed me to travel so much, work for myself, and just have a lot more freedom in my life in general. In spite of all this, a big part …

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What to do when you feel like crap

Every so often I experience one of those total OFF days. I wake up groggy having not slept well, something I ate the day before didn’t sit well and my digestion is dragging, my mind is foggy and all I feel like doing is staying in bed. I try to journal it out but the words aren’t coming. I try to get some work done but I keep getting distracted… by literally everything! The hours pass, I feel like a total slug and nothing of any real value is getting accomplished. Realising this, I feel even worse but still can’t seem …

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Things that I’m afraid to say

This year feels all about authenticity for me. All about moving to a place where I can speak my truth, embrace transparency, and express myself in ways I feel like I’ve been holding back on out of fear. This has been THE biggest challenge for me throughout my life. I grew up believing that to acknowledge one’s fears and doubts is to make them more real and give them more power over us. To me it was a sign of weakness, not strength. It’s interesting how all the internal energy work I’ve been immersing myself in lately has unearthed this huge …

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How do you know if you’re ready?

Right now, tell me something big that you want in life. It could be anything. Maybe you want to travel the world, live in another country, quit your job, move to a new city, start your own biz, pursue your passion, develop yourself more so that you can rise above all your blocks. Maybe you want to live more freely and have a freedom-filled lifestyle. That was my biggest dream. How do you know if you’re really really ready to go for it? It took me about 5 years from the start of wanting my own business and a life on …

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Raw vegan chocolate brownie smoothie bowl

Rarely do I eat chocolate these days but I can’t help it… Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that makes me want something chocolatey and decadent! Carob is a nice chocolate substitute and all but it just doesn’t compare to the real thing. In honour of Valentine’s Day, I’m posting my favourite way to eat chocolate – which is in a giant smoothie bowl like this, a rich mess of flavours and textures all melding together. This one is chocolate ice cream topped with fudge brownie balls, drizzled chocolate sauce, raspberries and crushed brazil nuts. OMG – eating this was …

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Eating raw vegan in Belize

One thing I want to start doing more is blogging on eating raw vegan in different parts of the world. The reason being, whenever I travel somewhere new I’m always doing a ton of research on how to eat healthy there, how I can access fruit, what kinds of restaurants I might be able to eat at, what areas are the most vegan-friendly, food safety conditions, and any other useful info that I might need to know. This takes a lot of time and often there is just no real info out there from raw vegan travelers. Vegan travelers, yes. But …

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