How to Find Your Calm in the Cold

Lately we’ve had some frigid weather here in NYC. And although I look forward to some fluffy white snow days and ice skating adventures whilst sipping a big cup of hot cocoa, I have a confession to make: I am not a cold weather person. As much as I wish I could be the gal who rejoices when winter is here, who is unfazed by the grey skies and barren trees (maybe even finds delight in them!), and who joyously piles on the layers of insulation before facing the frost, it’s just not me. I like the sun. I adore bright …

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How To Eat Well While Traveling

What do lambswool socks, raw cacao nibs, a package of probiotics, and a “Best Of” christmas classics playlist all have in common? Well.. nothing that I can think of actually, except they’re all coming with me in my backpack while traveling this month! Since the holiday season is travel time for a lot of you, I thought I’d share my tips for eating well on the road. This post is written specifically with air travel in mind but can also be applied to long-distance car or train rides. Travel is one of my forever lifelong loves. It energizes me, inspires me, …

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