What to do when you feel like crap

Every so often I experience one of those total OFF days. I wake up groggy having not slept well, something I ate the day before didn’t sit well and my digestion is dragging, my mind is foggy and all I feel like doing is staying in bed. I try to journal it out but the words aren’t coming. I try to get some work done but I keep getting distracted… by literally everything! The hours pass, I feel like a total slug and nothing of any real value is getting accomplished. Realising this, I feel even worse but still can’t seem …

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How to stay organized and get stuff done!

Reader request! In my last newsletter I mentioned some of the processes I’m using to set up my 2018 and help reach some of my goals. I also opened up the floor for any blog post requests. A reader emailed saying they struggle a lot with staying organized and wondered if I could provide any additional tips. YES – I have a bunch! Although let it be known, it’s not really in my nature to be super organised. This is something I’ve had to learn over time – and I learned it because I was getting increasingly frustrated with the problems …

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Let go of the old to bring in the new

How to deal with major life change “To bring in your desired newness, you must first allow old parts of your life to fall away. These changes are to be celebrated, not feared. Give thanks for this shedding of the old. Embrace all of the lessons it brought and then let it go. Be giddy with excitement at the newness of the gifts that are now being bestowed upon you, and let their magic surprise and delight you.” This is from the oracle card I drew on New Year’s Eve. As always, its message was spot on. I have been asking …

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Why your setbacks are your greatest blessings

A health crisis. A painful breakup. A job loss. A serious accident. When your world feels like it’s falling apart, how do you react to major setbacks in your life? It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 years since the health crisis happened – the one that left me unable to stand up or walk. This was one of the most profoundly devastating experiences of my life. Yet when people ask me about this experience, I always say it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. No, I am not a masochist. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. I …

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Reflections on travel + how to deal with the fear of missing out

My head was spinning. My stomach was in knots and my mind felt out of control. I don’t want to go on this trip. It was towards the end of this past December and I was packing for my trip to Europe. I had a 5-country trek planned out through Norway, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and Ireland. This was a trip I had planned for months — an epic backpacking spree to end 2014 with and kickstart a new year with a series of exciting travel adventures. I had poured research into this trip and had carefully saved up for it, …

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When Exhaustion Strikes (+ my recipe for recovery!)

I have been away from the site for a while, much longer than I anticipated. It’s amazing how quickly time flies. What was supposed to initially be just a couple weeks gone turned into a whopping 2 months! Definitely still figuring this blogging time-management thing out… (HOW do bloggers keep up with regular posts whilst working another job and tending to all other aspects that make up a healthy happy life?!) If anyone knows the secret please do share! In any case, these past 8 weeks have been quite eventful. What have I been up to? Traveling.. and more traveling! My …

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