Let go of the old to bring in the new

How to deal with major life change “To bring in your desired newness, you must first allow old parts of your life to fall away. These changes are to be celebrated, not feared. Give thanks for this shedding of the old. Embrace all of the lessons it brought and then let it go. Be giddy with excitement at the newness of the gifts that are now being bestowed upon you, and let their magic surprise and delight you.” This is from the oracle card I drew on New Year’s Eve. As always, its message was spot on. I have been asking …

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The importance of following your heart

If there’s one thing I’m committed to in life and that I feel pretty good at doing, it’s following my heart. I tend to group this closely together with following my intuition because to me, the two are inextricably linked. My intuition always leads me to wonderful people, places, and things that open my heart and mind. And my heart always wants to go where I’m feeling called. I’ve never been very good at being the overly rational, logical type, though I certainly know what it feels like to prioritise that in life. Since starting up this site however, one of …

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What I’ve learned after 2 months of being 100% raw vegan

As a follow-up to my last post earlier this month, I thought I’d take some time to write about several big lessons I’ve learned along the way whilst eating a 100% raw foods vegan diet. Never in my life did I think I’d go fully raw like this, let alone be able to maintain it for months! Yet here I am 2 months in and what’s more, still loving it! If you’re curious to try this way of eating either as a short-term cleanse (highly beneficial!) or even longer, here’s my personal experience so far along with some recommendations. First I’ll …

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Afraid of being JUDGED? Read this

Last year I was writing an email to an old friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a long time. I had recently gotten back into the habit of blogging regularly again and had set up a few automated things to promote my writing more – one of these being a link to my blog in my gmail account. It had seemed like a good move at the time… and then I soon quickly forgot it was even there… I finished up my email and pressed SEND without thinking much about it – and suddenly realised to my sheer horror …

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The struggle with saying no

The struggle with saying NO

Recently life has been — how shall we say? — delightfully FULL these past few weeks, keeping me well out of the blogosphere. So much happening around these parts and one thing I’ve been aware of lately is just how often I’ve had to say NO to things. Fun invites out with friends, dinners, get-togethers, classes, outings. I’m still (eagerly) waiting to do my annual fall rock-climbing trip up in the mountains before it gets too cold… if I could just find a free day to block it in! 🙂 Saying no isn’t something I have much of an issue with …

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Why your setbacks are your greatest blessings

A health crisis. A painful breakup. A job loss. A serious accident. When your world feels like it’s falling apart, how do you react to major setbacks in your life? It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 years since the health crisis happened – the one that left me unable to stand up or walk. This was one of the most profoundly devastating experiences of my life. Yet when people ask me about this experience, I always say it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. No, I am not a masochist. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. I …

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