New Beginnings & Trusting in the Process

You know those moments when you want something So.Freakin.Bad. but it feels like it’s just NOT happening? You get frustrated, impatient, and feel like you’re not good enough because clearly if you were, you’d have this awesome thing in your life already!

This past year has taught me a lot about letting go and remaining unattached to the outcome.

This site has been in the works for about a year and a half now.

I initially intended to make this a food blog focused on nourishing real food recipes and nutrition. At the time I was cooking up a storm, reading tons of food blogs, working on healing my body through food and with Nourishing Traditions as my nutrition bible.

It made sense for me to write about something that I knew so much about and was so passionate about. A food blog just made sense.

Except it never took off. Something about the focus didn’t feel completely right. Don’t get me wrong, I love nutrition, I adore cooking, and I wholeheartedly believe in the healing power of real foods. But something else was lacking, something that I couldn’t figure out. And I kept running into walls with everything I tried to set up to get this blog into motion.

I didn’t know the first thing about working with WordPress, I had major (oh so MAJOR!) design trouble with creating a logo, I signed up with the wrong web host and then the wrong theme. I kept running into walls with everything I was trying to do. Nothing was working out the way I wanted it to and weeks turned into months of frustrating trial & error without much of anything to show for. Then I started nutrition school in addition to a new job and my dream of starting up a blog faded away along with most of my free time.

And then the health crisis happened that changed everything.

The health crisis that left me with two feet so swollen and painful that I was unable to walk or even stand up. Months went by that were spent more or less in bed 24/7, not able to leave the house on my own or go to work or do really much of anything.

Stuck in bed day after day, I experienced some of the most debilitating emotional pain of my life. The frustration and agony of not being able to do simple things for myself like open a cabinet above my head or stand up in the shower or walk down the stairs to go outside. It was a really long, difficult time. But during this time I also felt more love, appreciation, and gratitude than I had truly ever felt before.

Dealing with this condition, I learned to be so incredibly kind to myself. I started to cherish the small things in life. If I was able to maneuver myself from the wheelchair to a seat outside on the balcony to get some fresh air, that was considered an incredible day. I practiced healing and meditation, joy-journaled, wrote from the heart and painted, and connected within. And when I emerged from this condition 3 months later able to walk again, I carried with me an overflow of love, gratitude, and excitement pouring from my heart.

With this wave of newfound energy, the focus of my blog changed and took a different direction.

While there will still be plenty of info on real food, recipes and nutrition, I’ll also be writing on self-development, travel, creativity, & inspiring adventures. All those things that contribute to our well-being, as I believe wellness is the combination of physical, mental & emotional health – and not simply the absence of disease.

This is what my blog has evolved into – the missing piece that I couldn’t place my finger on at the time.

I want to inspire others to connect with their inner joy, live every day with intention, purpose and passion instead of just merely living.

This time around things fell into place and the site evolved into something even more wonderful than I had ever previously imagined. And all as a result of a seemingly hopeless situation.

So while I spent the last year and a half feeling upset and guilty that I hadn’t fulfilled my goal of starting up this site, I see now that it actually just wasn’t the right time for it yet. I wasn’t in the space I needed to be in to make it a reality; hadn’t been challenged enough to show up from a place of truth and authenticity. Things needed to happen for me to evolve and grow and for this site to evolve and grow into something that just feels like a big YES. It’s been so much easier to start things up now – the right opportunities and information keep showing up when there was once such a struggle to find them.

I’m sharing this with you because I want to open you up to possibility.

If you are feeling frustrated that life isn’t working out and you can’t seem to get the things you desperately want, consider that maybe (just maybe) the time is not right for these things to appear in your life just yet. Take a deep breath and trust in the process.

Trust that somewhere in this, there is a lesson for you to learn.

Somewhere in this there is a person you need to meet or circumstance that needs to occur that will lead you to take inspired action to where it is you need to go.

Somewhere there is that perfect job opportunity that you just need to be in the right place to find; that soul-mate partner who you’re meant to be with but maybe are not quite ready for yet.

There is so much possibility in the world and often the things we stay stuck on and try to force & control in life can end up limiting us or create a block on the very thing we want so badly. When you NEED a certain outcome to happen, it’s often the very outcome that never shows up. So relax. Don’t force it and know that wherever you are right now is right where you need to be.

Let go

Maybe the things you want aren’t quite ready yet. Maybe it’ll be a few more weeks (or months or years) before they show up. Maybe there is more healing needed to be done, more time spent working on yourself, more lessons to learn. But trust that these things are coming and don’t give up hope.

Set your goals but then set them free, letting them go out into the universe to ripen & blossom when the time is right.

Somewhere, forces are aligning and things will work out in the best way and in the best time, for YOU.

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